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Upcoming group photo exhibition “The Suburbs 2024” at Paper Pool in Tokyo

(English follows Japanese) 

この度祐天寺のPaper Poolで開催されるグループ写真展「The Suburbs 2024」に参加致します。昨年に引き続き、都会でも田舎でもない郊外がテーマです。是非お気軽にお立ち寄り下さい。

必ずしも予約は必要ではありませんが、メールか電話(営業時間中)にてお席のご予約を頂くと確実です。会場はギャラリー&カフェバーですので、ワンドリンク以上のご注文をお願いいたします。私の在廊日はまだ未定です。最後の土日(13日と14日)は残念ながら在廊できません。もし私が在廊している時にお越しになりたい、という方はこちらよりご連絡下さい。 ソーシャルメディアのDMでも結構です。ご都合の良い時間を調整して、私が席の予約をいたします。



名称 : The Suburbs 2024

会場 : Paper Pool (gallery, darkroom and cafe bar) 

住所 : 東京都目黒区祐天寺2-16-10 たちばなビル2F 

TEL: 03-3713-2378 (営業中)


展示期間 : 2024年7月3日(水) から 7月14日(日) 

営業時間 : 水、木、金曜日 18:00 - 22:00、 土曜日 12:00 - 22:00、 日曜日 12:00 - 17:00 


Paper Pool のWebサイト: 


作品購入: 作家により、非売作品と購入可能作品があります。私の作品は販売致します。勿論ご覧になるだけでも大丈夫です。ご購入いただいた際は今後の活動費になりますのでご検討いただけましたらとても有り難いです。

Statement (私の展示作品、Hiroshima vol.2 について)



Aki Fujita Taguchi 

Happy to announce that I take part in a group photo exhibition “The Suburbs 2024” at Paper Pool located in Yutenji, Tokyo, from July 3rd to 14th 2024. Please drop by if you’re ever in the area. 


Title: “The Suburbs 2024” (group photo exhibition) 

Date: July 3rd - July 14th 2024  

Venue: Paper Pool (Yutenji, Tokyo) 

Opening Hours: 

6 pm - 10 pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, 

12 pm - 10 pm on Saturdays, 

12 pm - 5 pm on Sundays. (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays) 

Address: 2F Tachibana Bldg, 2-16-10 Yutenji, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 

Tel: 03-3713-2378 


Paper Pool is an art gallery, which has a darkroom and a cafe bar. Please order a drink/something. During busy times, reservations will be given priority. 

About my works: The theme of the group exhibition is “The Suburbs”. I will be exhibiting three photographs dedicated to my mother, who was born in Hiroshima and passed away in Tokyo during pandemic. My works are available for purchase. If you have issues to make a reservation or want to talk with me at the gallery, just drop me a message here

Statement about my works “Hiroshima Vol.2”: 

I stayed in a certain town in Hiroshima Prefecture, my mother’s hometown. She gradually lost her will to live and passed away a few years ago. Although I wanted to hear about her younger days, Hiroshima, and the atomic bomb, we couldn’t open up to one another until the end. Hoping to find some clues, I have visited various towns in Hiroshima alone many times, reflecting and capturing images. This clumsy, roundabout, and frustrating process often leads me to self-loathing. However, wandering through unfamiliar towns and capturing things through my camera bring me some peace of mind, making me feel as if I am reliving my mother’s life. But it is surely an illusion and merely self-satisfaction. There is an insurmountably high wall between me and my family members. 

As I grew up in the heart of busy Tokyo, I feel suburban towns are very dull, lacking tension, and gentle to me. They relentlessly ask me without saying a word, “Who are you?” at the same time. I always have mixed feelings of comfort and discomfort. This makes me realize that people constantly measure their distance from others, and I understand that this is a lifelong challenge to face. 

Aki Fujita Taguchi  

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