I’ve been exhibiting my work at KYOTOGRAPHIE KG+ Photo Festival!
October 4, 2021I’ve been exhibiting my work at KYOTOGRAPHIE KG+ Photo Festival!
9月17日より11月7日まで、KYOTOGRAPHIE KG+ 2021 特別展として、 「JAPAN PHOTO AWARD + INTUITION」が開催されております。私は今回受賞者ではありませんが、会場のホテルアンテルーム京都にて写真が1枚展示されています。
「JAPAN PHOTO AWARD EXHIBITION + INTUITION|ジャパンフォトアワードエキシビジョン+イントゥイション」
会期:2021年9月17日(金)~2021年11月7日(日) 無休
会場:HOTEL ANTEROOM KYOTO l Gallery 9.5 (担当:江口)
住所:〒601-8044 京都府京都市南区東九条明田町7
また、その受賞者達の作品と共に、私の展示写真とプロフィール、ステートメントが掲載された写真集、「JAPAN PHOTO AWARD + INTUITION vol.1」も発売されております。
これまでJPA MAGはNYのICP Museumをはじめとした多数の海外の現代美術館に収蔵されております。この書籍は、現代写真界の重要人物Charlotte Cottonをはじめとした、過去JPA審査員及び、世界の写真関係者300名に配布されます。また、この本はAMAZONや東京都写真美術館のNadiff BAITEN等でも購入できるようになるそうです。
現在こちらの写真集はホテルアンテルーム京都で先行販売されており、10月2日まで東京銀座のArt Gallery M84で開催されている「アートの競演2021 新涼」でも物販コーナーで小部数、また掲載作品のA4プリントを限定10部で販売し、ご好評いただきました。ご購入くださった皆様ありがとうございました。(現在は終了しております。)
- 写真集「JAPAN PHOTO AWARD + INTUITION vol.1」3,300円
- 「Statue of a Girl」A4プリント(マット系アート紙、Digital Archival Print) 限定10枚5,000円
- 写真集+プリント 合わせてご購入の場合 8,000円(全て税込価格です)
- 若干の郵送料がかかります。事前に額を計算してお知らせ致します。
Email: contact@aftphotography.tokyo
Aki Fujita Taguchi
I am delighted and proud to announce that I’m part of Kyotographie photo festival now!
The photo exhibition “JAPAN PHOTO AWARD + INTUITION” has been held as a KYOTOGRAPHIE KG+ 2021 special exhibition from 17th September to 7th November 2021 at Hotel Anteroom Kyoto.
Although I’m a very small part of the whole festival, it’s A DREAM COME TRUE to be able to participate in this festival as an exhibitor!
I’m not a prizewinner this time, but one of my photos has been exhibited at this hotel. Ironically, my featured photo is also the interior of a historical hotel that unfortunately no longer exists, which I photographed in Western Japan last year.
Details of exhibition:
Dates: 10AM-8PM, September 17th 2021 - November 7th 2021
Venue: HOTEL ANTEROOM KYOTO l Gallery 9.5
Address: 7 Aketacho Higashi-Kujo Minami-Ku Kyoto,
601-8044 Japan
Tel: +81 (0)75-681-5656
Hotel Information:
Kyotographie KG+ Information: http://kyotographie.jp/kgplus/2021/exhibitions/S3/index.html
Along with the all awesome winners’ works, photo book, “JAPAN PHOTO AWARD + INTUITION vol.1” is also on sale, which includes my exhibition photo, profile and statement.
JPA MAG is always in the collection of ICP Museum and many other contemporary art museums overseas. The book will be distributed to 300 past JPA judges and people in the field of photography around the world, including Charlotte Cotton, an important person in contemporary photography. The book will also be available for purchase at AMAZON and Nadiff BAITEN at Tokyo Photographic Art Museum.
The book is currently on sale at Hotel Anteroom Kyoto, and at Art Gallery M84 in Ginza, Tokyo until October 2. They currently hold the exhibition called “Competition of Art 2021 Shinryo (アートの競演2021 新涼)”. You can get a small number of copies of photo books and 10 limited editions of A4 prints of my featured photo in the book.
If you can’t make it to either of these exhibitions, but would like to purchase a copy, or if you have any questions, please contact me here.
- Photo book “JAPAN PHOTO AWARD + INTUITION vol.1”. JPY 3,300
- “Statue of a Girl” A4 print (Matte art paper, Digital Archival Print) limited edition of 10, signed and numbered. JPY 5,000
- “JAPAN PHOTO AWARD + INTUITION vol.1” plus A4 print. JPY 8,000 (tax included)
- Shipping cost is not included. I’ll let you know the price in advance.
Thankfully, both of these items have already been sold well. Get them early!
Email: contact@aftphotography.tokyo
Aki Fujita Taguchi